Killah Orki
—— Orca (Killer Whale) VTuber ——
Hi there! I’m Killah Orki (you may call me Orki) and I’m an orca (killer whale) VTuber! I’ve been around since 2020 and started streaming early 2021. I’m mainly known for ASMR! My streams are pretty regular so be sure to follow me on Twitch and Joystick.TV (if you’re 18+)!
Please Join Me On Oshi4Ever!
For only $5 you can access EXCLUSIVE lewd short-form (think TikTok length) audio content on my Oshi4ever account! There’s even a mobile app for easy access to listen to the content! Check me out at Oshi4ever today!
Save 20% on Dubby Energy when you use code KILLAHORKI at checkout! 31 more orders and I get a custom flavor/waifu cup! Help make it happen!
Accepting Clip/Stream Highlights Editor Applications!
Are you a video clipper/editor looking for paid work? Come work for Orki!
Deadline for Editor/Clipper Applications is March 31st, 2024 at 11pm EST (USA Time Zone)!
NOW AVAILABLE! Get your goodies while supplies last~!
NEW DROP with lots of new stuff as of March 2024! Next drop will be in May!
Wanna Collab With Me?
I am always more than willing to collab with other Vtubers (especially those who do or are okay with lewd content)! DM me on Discord or Twitter (links below) or email me at if you’re interested! I look forward to meeting you!
WEEKLY (Twitch):
I am actually on a Hiatus from Twitch for a myriad of reasons. Namely after going over my metrics of the last 3 years’ worth of regularly streaming on the platform and the little growth that has occurred during that time compared to others who blow up in less than a year. Twitch just doesn’t seem like the platform for me at the moment. I’ll be on there to collab with those who do use the platform, but that will likely be it.
WEEKLY ( [ 18+ Platform ] :
I now stream nearly every late evening (around 10pm EST/7pm PST USA time zones) on! Be sure to keep up with my Twitter for weekly schedules and plans, and if you’re 18+ follow me on the platform so you get email notifications of when I’m live!
(I sometimes stream on other days/times! Be sure to follow me on Twitch, Joystick, and Twitter so you don’t miss it!)
Shop Novelty Massagers!
Introducing… Private One-on-One Calls With Orki!
You now have the option to book a one-on-one Voice Call with Orki of varying types from Casual to Naughty! See Service page for details!
Create Fanwork?
Do you create or have you created fanworks of Orki you’d like me to see but not sure how? (Fanworks include art, video edits, audio edits, graphics, writings, and more!) You can show everyone on the Discord Server in the fanworks chat channel (link on bottom of site), DM or Tag me in a Tweet ft your work (link to my Twitter on bottom of site as well), orf just straight up email it to me!
[ Email Button Below! ]
Enhance The Streams!
Enhance The Streams!
Now you can “enhance” some of my streams via using special “toys” and an app! (Many thanks to Lovense!)
This only works on streams currently and are tied to token tip rewards!
Contact Me
Questions? Comments? Want to collab? Got ideas for streams and other content? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me!